Thursday, 9 May 2013

Islamic Quotes and Sayings Quotes Tumblr In Urdu English About Life Love Women Images on Marriage Death Wallpapers

Islamic Quotes and Sayings Biography

The first discussion regarding the month of Ramadan is regarding it's purpose and it's history. Allah the Almighty says ,''Oh you who believe fasting has been prescribed upon you like how it was prescribed on those before you so that you may develop the quality of Taqwa''[S 2 V:183] . Ramadan has a number of significant relations to the Muslims in general. The first revelation of the divine book Al Quran came down in the month of the month of Ramadan wherein the Sura ''Iqra' bismi Rabbikalla thee khalaq'' was revealed .The 2nd connection we have with the month of Ramadan other than fasting is the illustrious battle of Badr which was fought in this month. Allah mentions in the book that fasting has been prescribed upon the believers like how the people before had to fast. Whilst we have no genuine records of nations gone by, we do understand that a legacy of fasting exists in every community that associates itself to  organized faith. The Christians have Lent and other forms of self restraint. The Jews have their auspicious days,the Yom Kipur.The Buddhists too have a form of fasting.The behavior of all these groups indicate that fasting was known to communities before the Prophet Muhammad[May the Peace of Allah be upon him] preached his message.And this is what Allah says, that fasting is prescribed upon you like it was prescribed on the people before you.Now the reason why Allah  consoles the believers in this way, is to give them relief that you are not doing something that is unknown and has not been done by communities before you.Fasting was practiced by the Prophet in Makkah and according to historians, the day of Ashura,the 10th day of Muharram was the prescribed day of fasting.Upon his Hijra to Madinah,according to reliable sources, the fast of Ramadan was made compulsory on the believers in the second year of the Hijra in the form of the ayah that was initially recited[s.2 v:183].This represents an overview of the history of fasting as associated with this Ummah of the Prophet Muhammed.
Allah Ta a'la also says,''La alla kum tattaqoon'', that perhaps you may develop the quality of Taqwa . Allah instructs us that the purpose of fasting is to develop this sublime quality .The definition of Taqwa is to live one's life in such a way that the individual is ever conscious of the presence of the Almighty and ever conscious of the fact that one day he/she will be accountable to Allah. That is a brief definition of Taqwa. Through fasting one is expected to educate oneself that, I have left otherwise permissible food and drink that is available and accessible for the sake of my Almighty Allah. I cannot see him, I cannot hear Him directly.He has issued an injunction unto me to which I submit . Just as it was possible for me leave permissible actions because of His order,I can leave Haram[impermissible] actions because of His order in Ramadan  and out of Ramadan.Once Ameerul Mu'imineen Umar [r.a] was asked to define Taqwa and he [r.a] said,'It is like a person  walking on a path that has thorny bushes on either side. He folds his clothes so that they do not get torn, likewise a believer travels through his life without shredding the garb of obedience by disobeying the Almighty. This defines Taqwa. What are the worldly benefits of Taqwa? Allah Ta'ala says,''Whoever has Taqwa i.e. the consciousness of Allah,He will make for him a way out and will sustain him from where he did not even think.''[s 65v:3].So this is the worldly benefit of Taqwa. In the Hereafter ,Allah says in many places in the Quran that Jannah has been created for those who possess the quality of Taqwa. In another place Allah says,''Certainly for those who have Taqwa is success, referring to the success of the Akhirah.
 Allah says,''The month of Ramadan which, in it was revealed the Holy Quran which is a guidance for mankind and represents proofs from guidance and it is the criteria''.[S 2 V:185].Ramadan has a special relationship with the divine book.The book was revealed in the month of Ramadan. The Noble Prophet Muhammed would make a complete revision of the book in the month of Ramadan with Jibraeel[upon him be peace]and every night he would stand in prayer reciting from the book, for this book represents our link to Allah the Almighty. The standing of the Prophet in prayer in Ramadan is  termed as Salatut Taraweeh. It has been established that the Messenger would pray Salatut Taraweeh sometimes being joined by a few people and sometimes by many. The Messenger  would also encourage the members of His household to pray this Salah. After His passing ,Ameerul Mu'mineen Umar[r.a] codified this prayer by gathering the companions under the imaamat of Ubaiy bin Ka'b [r.a],one of the Qaris of the Messenger. He instructed that 20 rakaats be prayed. Thus this remains the practice until today in both the Harams of the Muslim world. Whilst it is unclear with regards to exactly how many rakats the Messenger would perform ,Umar[r.a] looking at a middle number chose for his congregation 20 rakats, wherein at least one whole Quran was completed for the month of Ramadan. We gauge from our pious predecessors that many of them would complete the Quran twice a day in the month of Ramadan.The idea is to increase our recitation of the Holy Quran ,not necessarily complete it over and over again but to make an increase in our recitation. At the very least a bulk of our time should be devoted to reciting the Divine Book.
Islamic Quotes and Sayings Quotes Tumblr In Urdu English About Life Love Women Images on Marriage Death Wallpapers

Islamic Quotes and Sayings Quotes Tumblr In Urdu English About Life Love Women Images on Marriage Death Wallpapers
Islamic Quotes and Sayings Quotes Tumblr In Urdu English About Life Love Women Images on Marriage Death Wallpapers
Islamic Quotes and Sayings Quotes Tumblr In Urdu English About Life Love Women Images on Marriage Death Wallpapers
Islamic Quotes and Sayings Quotes Tumblr In Urdu English About Life Love Women Images on Marriage Death Wallpapers

Islamic Quotes and Sayings Quotes Tumblr In Urdu English About Life Love Women Images on Marriage Death Wallpapers

Islamic Quotes and Sayings Quotes Tumblr In Urdu English About Life Love Women Images on Marriage Death Wallpapers
Islamic Quotes and Sayings Quotes Tumblr In Urdu English About Life Love Women Images on Marriage Death Wallpapers

Islamic Quotes and Sayings Quotes Tumblr In Urdu English About Life Love Women Images on Marriage Death Wallpapers

Islamic Quotes and Sayings Quotes Tumblr In Urdu English About Life Love Women Images on Marriage Death Wallpapers

Islamic Quotes and Sayings Quotes Tumblr In Urdu English About Life Love Women Images on Marriage Death Wallpapers

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