Islamic Sayings Biography
The Prophet's life-story was transmitted by story tellers and then compiled in books called sirah (pronounced as seera.) In the works of this genre, the Prophet Muhammad's virtuous character is made clear. Even before receiving the revelation of the Qur'an, the Prophet Muhammad was well-known for his good character. One example of his character can be seen in the well-attested hadith transmitted by Umm al-'Ala', an Ansari woman [of Madina] who made the pledge to the Prophet. She narrated the following hadith: At the death of Abu Sa'ib 'Uthman ibn Maz'un, she said, "O Abu Sa'ib, I testify that God has enobled you." The prophet said, "How do you know that God has enobled him?" So I [Umm al-'Ala'] said, "May my father be sacrificed for you, O Messenger of God! Whom does God enoble?" Then the Prophet said, "As for him, [the] certainty [of death] has indeed come to him, and by God, I hope the best for him. By God, I do not know--even though I am the messenger of God--what will be done with me." She said, "By God, I never attested to anyone's piety after that." (Bukhari, Sahih al-Bukhari, vol. 1, p. 419-20; M. M. Khan, v. 2, p. 189-90 Jana'iz, bab 3, #2 (#334); Ibn Hajar, Irshad al-sari, vol. 2, p. 376-77).
A well-written on-line Biography of the Prophet Muhammad is that of the contemporary Muslim scholar Muhammad Hamidullah.
A useful on-line translation of the first chapter of a widely read medieval Islamic text by the well-known Qadi Iyad deals with God's praise of and high regard for the Prophet Muhammad. The title, Kitab al-Shifa', means "The Book of Healing."
A prominent Christian scholar of Islam, W. Montgomery Watt, has written the following--generally positive--assessment of Muhammad as Prophet and Statesman.
One of the many critical events in the life of the Prophet Muhammad is the "Night Journey," when, while in a state of consciousness between wakefulness and sleep, he was taken from the Ka'ba (link fixed, Sept. 3, 2000) in Mecca to what the Qur'an (17:1) refers to as "Furthest Mosque" --in Jerusalem-- where the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque stand today. From there he was transported through the heavens and then back to this world during what is called his mi'raj (ascension).
The Wives of the Prophet (link fixed 17 August 2005), written by Muslims affiliated with the Alharamain Islamic Foundation, consists of short but useful biographies of all of Muhammad's wives. One of the difficulties that non-Muslims encounter when reading about Muhammad is that unlike Jesus, who lived a celibate life, Muhammad was married. Furthermore, after the death of Khadija (his first wife) in 619 CE until the time of his death in 632 CE, Muhammad married a total of 11 more wives. Muslims, however, are not alarmed by his numerous marriages, since they know the following: 1)that it was not unusual for a powerful Middle Eastern chieftan to marry a number of wives, and 2) that almost all of these 11 other wives were widows when he married them, and 3)for the most part these marriages were contracted in order to cement political ties with the tribes of the wives.
The Wives of the Prophet Muhammad, is the English translation of a medieval Arabic work by the highly regarded Muslim scholar, Ibn Kathir. Note that when you reach the bottom of the first page at this site, choose "next" in order to see the remainder of the site.
Why Did the Prophet Muhammad Marry Young 'A'isha? This is a response written by a Muslim scholar, Sabeel Ahmed, to the contemporary polemical accusation that the Prophet in marrying 'A'isha (while she was young) was committing paedophilia and child abuse.
Answer to the Question of A'isha's Age at the Time of Her Marriage to the Prophet Based on an analysis of the relevant hadiths, the Muslim author of this article argues--in contrast to some hadith reports- that 'A'isha was about 15 years of age when her marriage to the Prophet was consumated. The author elaborates on his initial argument during the course of his answers to the questions listed at the bottom of the page.
The Prophet Muhammad lived next to main mosque that he established in Madina. When he died he was buried in his house. Today, the mosque encompasses his tomb. Muslim often make a pilgrimage to the Prophet's Mosque and tomb after they perform the Hajj in Mecca. From here you can make a virtual pilgrimage to the Prophet's Mosque.
The Companions of the Prophet Muslims who were alive at the time of the Prophet and had seen him were called "companions" (sahaba). This online book consists of biographies (in English) of many of the companions. At least some of the biographies here are from the book, Companions of the Prophet, by Abdul Wahid Hamid.
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